Cape May Cares is a small non-profit charitable organization working to bring hope and opportunity to children, families and seniors in the Cape May area through tutoring, mentoring and outreach programs.
The volunteers of Cape May Cares believe in encouraging and empowering individuals through education and experience. They are extremely proud to be able to award their very first Cape May Cares college scholarships in the amount of $2000 each to two worthy Lower Cape May Regiponal students who embody the mission of their organization through their spirit of compassion, volunteerism and academic excellence.
Celebrating Ellen Cranstoun and Bry’anna Vesper
The first scholarship is given in honor of Ellen Cranstoun, through the generosity of her loving husband Doug Cranstoun. A talented graphic arts designer who developed and managed her own design company, Ellen donated much of her time and talents to churches and Christian causes before her passing much too early in 2017. Ellen was a woman of great faith, especially through and during the toughest of times. In keeping with Ellen’s shining example of “faith in action,” Cape May Cares would like to award its first ever scholarship to Bry’anna Vesper.
Celebrating Maryellen Francke and Miranda Macklin
The second scholarship is in honor of the longtime secretary for the Cape May Housing Authority, Maryellen Francke, who has worked quietly behind the scenes to help the families and seniors in need for the past ten years. Maryellen was Cape May Cares before there was a Cape May Cares. If a child didn’t have a warm winter coat or if an elderly resident needed special help, Maryellen made sure no one ever went without. Although Maryellen has always refused any recognition for her kind deeds, tonight Cape May Cares would like to formally acknowledge her work by awarding their second scholarship in honor of Maryellen Franke to Miranda Macklin.